An Octopus and an Ice-Covered Unicycle
When I was a kid there was a cartoon called the Wonder Twins that I would find myself watching on a Saturday morning. The premise involved a twin brother and sister who were superheroes. Their “superpower” was to put their fists together, say “Wonder Twin powers activate, form a…” and become whatever they said they wanted to be. Supposedly they would become something that would be beneficial for fighting whatever enemy they needed to fight at the time. As a kid, I thought everything they turned it to was cool and innovative. As an adult, I look back on these transformations as very odd and peculiar. Recently I stumbled upon a video of an episode of the wonder twins where they were fighting some kind of evil and they did their thing: put their fists together and became…an octopus and an ice-covered unicycle. Yep you heard me right.
What in the world do an octopus, and an ice-covered unicycle have in common? Absolutely nothing. But this did get me thinking, beyond how weird it is, about the teams we lead. Our teams are made up of a combination of very different skills, talents, emotional maturity, experience, and passions…octopuses and ice-covered unicycles. Great leaders lead through differences, take those differences and make them work together to achieve the vision. If we combine our talents, perspectives, and gifts to lead with one voice we have a different kind of influence with the next generation.
Let’s look at how we do this.
Make sure you encourage your octopuses and your ice-covered unicycles to work together. If you do, you have a much better chance of accomplishing what you set out to achieve